The gazette notification by the Government of
India identifies 5 breeds of Indian horses as Marwari, Kathiyawari,
Manipuri, Spiti and Zanskari.
The Marwari Horse has acquired it's name from
it's original breeding place Marwar in Rajasthan. The Marwari
horse today is descended from the splendid war-horses that served
the ruling families and warriors of feudal India, throughout and
from the beginning of that country's history. Their std'us was
unparalleled, as they were declared divine and superior to all
men, including those of Royal blood. Accordingly, only the Rajput
families and the Kshatriyas - warrior caste were permitted to
mount these exalted animals. Today the breed is once again achieving
eminence after over a century of twilight status due to the Imperial
presence of the British and further, the new Indian democracy.
Marwari horse, as the most potent symbol of the warrior
Kings somehow survived wholesale slaughter, castration and fearful
ignorance during the troubled times preceding Independence and
for several decades later. It is thanks to the surviving Rajput
families and horse lovers from all communities that the resilient
and beautiful Marwari has emerged from the shadows onto a bright
and hopeful future and out of the threat of extinction,
The Kathiyawari has fhe same history as that of
Marwari but having been bred in the Kathiyawar region of Gujarat
, it acquires the name of Kathiyawari. Breeding line and environmental
differences have distinctively given certain separate features
to the Kathiyawari from it's cousin the Marwari. Such as ears,
eyes, nose and in it's built up structure.
The Manipuri horses are bred in the north -
eastern state of Manipur in India. The Manipuri has the best claim
to fame, for it was the original polo pony. In the 1850's the
English planters discovered this native game in India. They then took up and spread around the world. Physique of this
horse is typical like that of pony but is very quick and maneuverable.
4. SPITI :
The Spiti horses are bred in the northern state
of Himachal Pradesh in India. The name Spiti has been taken from
the famous Spiti river. Physique of this horse is also like that
of d pony, thick set and short coupled. They are very sure-footed
and tough and used for transportation in the mountains.
Zanskari horses are bred in the high altitude
Zanskar region of Ladakh in eastern Jammu and Kashmir State of
India. Physique of this horse is very similar to the Spiti pony
but are more adaptable for higher altitude where they are used
as work horses.