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Contact Details

Francesca Kelly Caroline Moorey Adam Caroline Thiloshini Abeysekera
Office Address Ondine,
395, Lamberts Cove Road
Vineyard Haven MA 02568
The Stable
Willey Place, Chamber Lane
Farnham, Surrey GU 10 5ET
Chantepie 44330
Premadasa Riding School Pvt.Ltd.
179, Jayantha Weerasekara Mawatha, Colombo-10, Sri Lanka
Landline Tel.No. 001-508-6968814 0044-1252-718086 0033-251-807424 941-32903 / 325906(O)
Mobile No. 001-508-6271699 0044-7726-930231 0033-668-938508 941-852314(R)


"A non profit making organisation working towards International recognition of,
and dedicated to the imporvement and preservation
of the Marwari and Kathiwari horses of India.

The Indigenous Horse Society of India (IHSI) is recognised as the parent society and holder of the Mother Stud Book.

Any group wishing to become an Overseas Chapter must apply in writing to the IHSI.

The applicant group must pledge agreement and acceptance of the following eligibility criteria as laid down by the IHSI.

In the case of any disagreement about the criteria for eligibility, the decision of the IHSI Executive committee shall be final.

Eligibility Criteria for formation of Overseas Chapters:

  • The applicant group should become an Overseas Chapter as recognised by the competent authority of its country, but in the absence of such an authority the IHSI will act in this capacity.
  • The title of the Overseas Chapter must be agreed by the IHSI.
  • Overseas Chapters must recognise the IHSI Committee as the focal point for discussion and dialogue on matters outside the normal IHSI secretarial duties.
  • Overseas Chapters must abide by the rules in the Constitution and Byelaws of the IHSI (Articles, Rules and Regulations).
  • Overseas Chapters must agree not to take or endorse any action which will or may bring the IHSI into disrepute nor publicly make, or infer by association, any claims about the breed which are unsupported by the IHSI.
  • The Aims and Objectives of the Overseas Chapters must coincide with those of the IHSI, particularly with regard to education and promotion.  To this end chapters must strive to promote knowledge of the breed type and may raise funds for breed promotion, organise social gatherings and events with a view to promoting the Indigenous Horses of India.
  • The Overseas Chapter’s rules and byelaws must be presented to the IHSI for approval. The IHSI must be notified of any alterations or amendments immediately. In the case of any disagreement about the rules and byelaws, the decision of the IHSI shall be final.
  • Overseas Chapters are invited to submit a short annual report of their activities to the IHSI (This might include the following for example: details of promotion, education, fundraising and social events and so forth).
  • Overseas Chapters must keep adequate accounts and send a statement annually to the IHSI.
  • Overseas Chapters must operate a policy that is inclusive and be anti-discriminatory in all their workings.
  • Overseas Chapters must sign a clause agreeing to the withdrawal of recognition and privileges by the IHSI if any of the criteria are breached or not implemented within 28 days of notification of the breach  by the IHSI.

Note:  Overseas Chapters must arrange their own insurance cover (where necessary) for all events held.  The IHSI will not be held to be liable.

The status of each Overseas Chapter will be reviewed annually by the IHSI and a certificate issued on approval.

In return the IHSI will:

  • Designate an IHSI member to act as point of contact for each country represented, to ease communication and provide appropriate support.
  • Provide general support and advice, and advise on education and promotion with regard to maintaining breed type.  For instance, by supplying publicity material and promotional literature.
  • Provide official recognition, including contact details and a link to the Overseas Chapter’s website, subject to such restrictions that the IHSI deem appropriate.



1. The name of the organisation is ‘Friends of Marwari / Kathiawari Horse’.

2. The above organisation is affiliated to and recognised by the Indigenous Horse Society of India and will represent the same as its chapter.

3. The office of the Chapter will be situated at -----------------


4. The objects for which the chapter is established are as follows:

a) To help in preservation and conservation of the Marwari and Kathiawari horses of India.

b) To improve the standard of breeding.

c) To help promote, facilitate knowledge on breeding, stable management, veterinary care and training.

d) To help in bringing awareness among breeders and owners about the care of horses and to prevent cruelty of any sort in regard to its work and equipment.

e) To organise events, shows and exhibition to promote the breed.

f) To work towards international recognition of the breed.

g) To coordinate with other such clubs, societies and organisations working for the promotion and betterment of the breed.

h) To maintain the registration scheme and stud book entries of horses in collaboration with the IHSI.

i) To coordinate with the Government in regard to import policy and other allied activities for Marwari / Kathiawari horses.

j) To do all such other things as may be necessary for or incidental or conducive to the aims and objects of the Chapter or allied there to.


5. The Chapter will enrol members as defined below :
a) Founder Member
b) Life Member    
c) Individual Yearly Member
d) Institution / Corporate / Company Member
e) Honorary Member

6. The Membership fee will be payable as under:
a) Founder Member : UK £50
b) Life Member :    UK £100
c) Individual Yearly Member: UK £25
d) Institution /Corporate / Company Member: UK£500  ( for 3 years)

7. Each member will have one voting right.

8. Honorary members will have no voting right.

9. A member in error of subscription on 1st day of January in any year will have no voting right.


10. The Members will elect a Managing Committee once in every three years.

11. The Managing Committee will comprise of:
Vice Chairman
Secretary General
Joint Secretary
Committee members.

12. In addition to the above the Managing Committee may appoint an Assistant Secretary, this post may include an honorarium.

13. The Managing Committee may in its discretion either admit or reject any candidate for membership of the chapter and shall not be bound to give reasons for any such rejection.

14. The financial year of the chapter will be 1st January to 31st December.

15. One meeting of the Managing Committee will be held in person every year.

16. The General body will meet once in a year.

17. The meeting will be called by the President, for which notice will be issued by the Secretary.

18. The accounts of the Chapter will be audited every year and maintained by the Treasurer.

19. The Secretary will maintain the office and all records of the Chapter.

20. Any amendments, additions or alterations in the Constitution or Rules and Regulations will be done at an Annual General Meeting by 2/3rd majority of the total membership attending.

21. The income and property of the Chapter when so ever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the chapter as set forth in this Constitution.

22. In the event of the Chapter being dissolved, all proceeds shall be donated to the Indigenous Horse Society of India